Sunday, March 31, 2013

Button Experiment #1

For some reason I couldn't find a video for a four-hole button sewing lesson. However, I did find one for a shaft button, which I just happened to have in my pack-rat sewing case.

I have a thing for buttons, ever since watching 'The War of the Buttons' as a kid, a 1994 Irish film.
Buttons also appear on many of my as-of-yet imagined creations:
Cuffs on my dream coat.
And I recently purchased leg warmers that satisfied my button passion:

As always, good tunes are a must for any
creative endeavor

The next button endeavor shall be my poor grey coat,
whose buttons have been threatening self-expulsion for some time.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

SnowDay Sewing Experiment 2

A thousand miles starts with a single . . . stitch.

Another snow day has given me the opportunity to learn some new basic skills. Today's skills: Mending by hand.

Experiment one: Cinderella's Slipper

Firstly, gather the materials you need, including pin cushion, thread, needle, scissors . . . 

and feather-filled slipper.

First, pin together the tear
                                          Next, stitch. I couldn't find a video that showed this basic stitch. (Why are there no basic videos out there?) At this point, I would ask your mother.

Always have some light entertainment on in the background
(Johnny Depp on David Letterman)
No more feathers flying around my feet in the morning as I'm cooking breakfast

Experiment two: Teddy Bear

My mother and I decided to go on a blizzard adventure to pick up sewing supplies. 

 Witness my sewing bling!…

I stitched my bear (meet bear) using the invisible stitch. 
This is when you stitch from the inside-out.


"be heard"