Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Delusions of Sewing

I have delusions that someday I will be able to sew all of the specific creations I have floating around my brain. Unfortunately, I don't even know the basics of sewing ...

I was recently shopping in a thrift store with a friend from work. I tried to fit into two dresses that were too small but the colors were fantastic on me.
Enough is enough, I thought. 

Today presented itself as a snow-day. Snow-days are perfect for embarking upon one's dreams. 

First things first, after a few mis-shots I found this site: Monkey See is the hot tomatah. 

Next I would recommend setting up a comfy chair (in my case a chair and a stool draped with a comforter and a pillow), and your favorite movie. 

Threading the bobbin turned out to be the most challenging bit. 

I also had issues trying to get the bottom casing off.

 . . . Apparently, though, it slides to the left. 
